This is our first experiment with a blog to share 'what' and 'how' we DO. It is good to feel the curiosity and attention from you because we have had already thousands of visitors the last month.
We dont work like average bloggers with a daily routine and regular updates and things to say or share. When we visit a place like LIMA we want to understand it and that takes time. We have been meeting opinionmakers, people in the street and key figurers in culture and politics to get some clue to what is going on. We observe, reflect and put some of the insights or 'notions' again on the table to see or feel the value. This is a slow process and we hope that this site can be a way of sharing this with you. We train ourselves to keep having an open view, so there will be no conclusions!
The site is bilingual- Dutch/English
Dit is ons eerste experiment om open te delen WAT en HOE. Het is goed om te merken dat we op de voet gevolgd worden want we hebben honderden lezers per week.
Wij hebben gemerkt dat we geen klassieke bloggers zijn. We hebben de site enigszins aangepast in lijn met deze logica. Onze waarnemingen gaan meer stapsgewijs. We nemen iets waar. Denken erover na, spreken erover, informeren ons bij andere mensen en dan komt er vaak nog een ander inzicht. Met deze inzichten/ bevindingen werken we verder in workshops en samenwerking met anderen mensen. We proberen open te kijken en te begrijpen. Voorlopig zijn er geen conclusies.
Lima, March 2013, Bart Stuart and Klaar van der Lippe
We believe that the world is about people, not things. We believe in attitude rather than position. We see that we live in a world that is defined through terms of economy and power. At least, for now. Because we also believe that this will change. We want to be part of this change.
If you don't want to be a consumer, how to live?
How do you organise yourself?
Is an independent position possible in a market driven society?What is the common good in a consumerist environment!?
We believe strongly in learning by doing. Asking questions is as important as giving an answer. We give workshops and lectures and organize interventions.
- 2, april, 2013
ethics as practise
Are we still artists?
What is the proper function of an artist? If an artist should be a genius, we are not. If it is a maker of art objects, we are not. Our best result is a different way of understanding things. Learning and teaching are key. We investigate. Propagate an attitude.
The process itself is not dissimilar to making a still life. Through careful observation you try to make a statement that expresses what you have seen or thought. We don't have fruit but the reality of the public space as a subject. Our result is not a painting but a proposal. But, it just as clearly shows what we have noted and what we have thought along the way. A still life is not a portrayal of “perfect nature” and our proposals don't solve problems. Maybe they even create them. They mostly hint at a different use, not a better one.
We believe strongly in learning by doing. Asking questions is as important as giving an answer. We give workshops and lectures and organize interventions.
Meest recente reacties
ik zou graag illen weten wie de oudste geborernde in levenzijnde mogonees is
Dag Bart en Klaar!
Wij hebben jullie ontmoet bij de radio uitzending Kunst is Lang.
Ik vroeg me af hoe ik met jullie in contact kan komen in de toekomst! werkt het op deze manier? groet Eva
super trip for you , thank you beri beri much four sharing with us fans.....many greetings and best wishes to you and your loved ones...
Beste Bart en Klaar, Ik verblijf nu op Moengo en ik vroeg me af waar jullie je informatie over stafdorp en happyland etc vandaan hebben gehaald want daar zou ik graag nog meer over lezen! Alvast dank