A Meeting with mister Ermond from the Ministry of agriculture. We talked about the future of farming in contemporary Suriname and more specific about Moengo. It is an area built up by an american company from 1916 for the sole purpose of mining bauxite. Today there is no mining-activity anymore so a drastic change is needed for the survival of the local community. How to work on change in a big way but on a personal scale. The ministry is investigating a local version of 'urban farming'.
We have had the opportunity to get a wonderful introduction to the complex history of the state of Suriname by social scientist and son of the first President of Suriname in 1975, mister Derryck Ferier (Photo of father in the background). Thanks to the journalist John Jansen van Galen we got in contact with mister Ferrier and it was a privilege to get such a deep and thorough view on the developments in the past but also the current political situation of great contrasts. A very wise and and involved man. A true free thinker!
Meest recente reacties
ik zou graag illen weten wie de oudste geborernde in levenzijnde mogonees is
Dag Bart en Klaar!
Wij hebben jullie ontmoet bij de radio uitzending Kunst is Lang.
Ik vroeg me af hoe ik met jullie in contact kan komen in de toekomst! werkt het op deze manier? groet Eva
super trip for you , thank you beri beri much four sharing with us fans.....many greetings and best wishes to you and your loved ones...
Beste Bart en Klaar, Ik verblijf nu op Moengo en ik vroeg me af waar jullie je informatie over stafdorp en happyland etc vandaan hebben gehaald want daar zou ik graag nog meer over lezen! Alvast dank