To be a pedestrian is a challenge! The concept of the sidewalk is not known or long forgotten. The concrete pavingstones are of dutch origine by the measurement of 30 cm by 30 cm. That is a familliar feeling, but the reality of today is a dramatic one.
It is a nomansland with its own dynamic mainly cars occupying the sidewalk or destroying it like here on a main street in the City-centre.
Today we have worked in the Village of Ricanau Mofo. Before we enter the habitat we have an introduction to the Kapitein, in this case Kapitein Mesac. He talked about the need for a local economy. there is less work every year and people have little initiative to develop a new perspective. We explain what we do and why we have an interest to work with the local children. The work we did was good, tastes like more....
We have had a great talk With Christine Samson about her involvement in the case of Landuse rights (grondrechten) of the Saramacaners. Interesting case with very beautiful methods to claim the land and landuse. A complex map was made in a very cooperative process. It shows how the people live and make use of the forest, hunting grounds and the river.
The bus ride from Paramaribo with chauffeur Arthur is an experience. It akes from 2,5 to 4 hours, depending on the amount of requested stops or special deliveries or pick ups he has to make. Which restaurant we are going to stop for lunch is decided on collectively. Everybody is laughing and joking.Any tension between all too women friendly male passengers is quickly solved by a word and a quick joke of Arthur.
Souvenir study. One of our aims is to promote tourism to Moengo and develope interesting souvenirs. In Paramaribo we visited the Readytex souvenirshop to see what is on the market. HereÅ› an example of typical N'djuka souvenirs: brightly coloured intricate design. Bears a certain similarity to Celtic knots. These wooden item are quite big and heavy. The challenge is to see if it is possible to translate this to a different object but with enough authenticity to make it a souvenir of the Moengo experience
Meest recente reacties
ik zou graag illen weten wie de oudste geborernde in levenzijnde mogonees is
Dag Bart en Klaar!
Wij hebben jullie ontmoet bij de radio uitzending Kunst is Lang.
Ik vroeg me af hoe ik met jullie in contact kan komen in de toekomst! werkt het op deze manier? groet Eva
super trip for you , thank you beri beri much four sharing with us fans.....many greetings and best wishes to you and your loved ones...
Beste Bart en Klaar, Ik verblijf nu op Moengo en ik vroeg me af waar jullie je informatie over stafdorp en happyland etc vandaan hebben gehaald want daar zou ik graag nog meer over lezen! Alvast dank